Carlos Rivero

Frontend Lead Architect

Granada, Spain
Carlos Rivero


As a Fronted Architect, I have successfully taken multiple products from 0 to 1. I lead teams effectively, ensuring an environment where people can do their best work. Currently, I work mostly with TypeScript, React, React Native, NextJS and NodeJS. I have over 10 years of experience and 4 years working in startups from scratch.

Work experience



Frontend Lead Architect

Created the mobile app and web manager architecture. Lead the frontend team. Implemented UI guidelines for the company. Improving the mindset to develop faster and more effectively. Technologies: TypeScript, React, ReactNative, NextJS, ReactQuery, Vitest

Frontend Lead Architect

Managed the frontend creation from the beginning. Setting up the architecture of the web application and managing the Frontend team. Technologies: TypeScript, React, gRPC

Frontend Developer

Web development using React, Redux and Saga. Taking advantage of React SSR for SEO positioning with Node and Koa. Continuous integration with Jenkins and containerization with Docker. Working based under Scrum methodology.

Frontend Developer

Creation and maintenance of the frontend infrastructure. Making own plugins for the clients. Using Javascript ES6, ReactJS, Webpack, Mocha, Chai.

Frontend Developer

In this project I developed frontend Javascript infrastructure using PrototypeJS, inheritance, facade pattern. I have created infrastructure in NodeJS capable of using external apps like digital signature and printing.





NextUI is a UI library for React that helps you build beautiful and accessible user interfaces.

  • Contributor
  • Open Source
  • UI Library


Zod is a TypeScript-first schema declaration and validation library.